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These are organizations or entities that may be accorded strategic membership in lieu of their contribution to TECDEN’s vision, mission and/or objectives. These may include INGOs, government departments, professional organizations, media and academic institutions, development partners, etc. Strategic Members shall have the privilege to participate by invitation in the Network meetings and activities, but they shall not have the right to vote or hold an elective office in TECDEN.
IBO  Italia 
Ubongo Kids 
SOS Children's Villages Tanzania 
Children in Crossfire (CiC) 
Montessori Community Tanzania 
PACT Tanzania 
Good Neighbors 
Girl Effect 
REPPSI Tanzania 
Right to Play 
Beyond Inclusion  
Uwezo Tanzania 
Oxford Policy Management 
Catholic Relief Services - CRS 
Beyond Inclusion - BI  
BRAC Maendeleo Tanzania 
Firelight Foundation