From October 4-6, 2024, a significant technical training session on the science of Early Childhood Development (ECD) will be held, organized by the President’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG) in collaboration with the Ministry of Community Development, Gender, Women, and Special Groups (MOCDGWSG), and key ECD ministries. The Tanzania Early Childhood Development Network (TECDEN) and partners from the Mtoto Kwanza Project, with funding from the Hilton Foundation, will support this initiative. This training aims to strengthen the coordination and implementation of the National Multi-Sectoral Early Childhood Development Programme (NMECDP) for the period 2021/22 to 2025/26.
The training opened by Engineer Rogatus Mativila, Deputy Permanent Secretary for Infrastructure in the President’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Government. In his opening remarks, Engineer Mativila underscored the importance of the early years in a child's growth and learning journey, emphasizing that the surrounding environment significantly influences their future. He remarked, “Early investment in quality and timely services helps develop productive human capital for families, communities, and the nation.”
Engineer Mativila also highlighted the necessity for rigorous oversight of the NMECDP in their respective areas. This oversight is crucial for tracking the successes and challenges of child development and care, ensuring that all aspects of the program are implemented effectively and reported on. He encouraged participants to continue educating the community about the importance of investing in proper child care, urging them to identify and collaborate with all stakeholders involved in the program at both regional and local levels. He stated, “Ensure that review meetings with stakeholders at the regional and council levels are held as directed by the program.”
Furthermore, he called on participants to act as ambassadors for comprehensive care for children aged 0-8, which includes quality health, responsive parenting, adequate nutrition, early learning, and child protection services.
The training Targeting Social Welfare Officers (SWOs) across all 26 regions and 184 councils and Mtoto Kwanza CSO from 26 regions; the training will enhance their understanding of the latest ECD science, focusing on brain development, social-emotional skills, and data-driven strategies to improve child outcomes. A key aspect of the training will be multi-sectoral collaboration, integrating services across health, education, nutrition, and child protection sectors to deliver comprehensive ECD interventions. The training attend also by representatives from various ECD stakeholders include UNICEF Tanzania, World Bank Tanzania, Aga Khan Foundation, Spark Health Africa and representative from Zanzibar Ministry of Community Development, Gender and Children (MCDGC) and Ministry of Education and Vocation Training.
The Mtoto Kwanza Project, funded by the Conrad Hilton Foundation, aims to catalyze the implementation of the National Multisectoral Early Childhood Development Program (NM-ECDP) 2021/2022-2025/2026, launched in December 2021. This initiative opens avenues for diverse ECD stakeholders to actively support the program's objectives throughout Tanzania's mainland