We are recruiting for key role to support successful implementation of Mtoto Kwanza Project across the country. This position will be based in the TECDEN Main Office in Dodoma: Finance Officer: The Finance officer is responsible for assisting in delivering both financial and office administrative roles of TECDEN. Working from the TECDEN Main Office in Dodoma, this role will ensure sound, transparent and accountable management of the project and wider Network finances to the required high standards. Additionally, the position is responsible for efficient support of Network staff administration, and wider Network logistics and operational administration. The position reports to the Network Accountant.
Detailed JOB DESCRIPTIONS and APPLICATION FORM for this position can be downloaded from: https://www.tecden.or.tz/
All applicants are required to complete a TECDEN Application Form and email to: [email protected]
Only those candidates selected for interview will be contacted.
Closing date for applications: Sunday 19th February, 2023.